

Compatible with the Microsoft C++, C# and Visual Basic compilers, and Linux gcc, 32 or 64 bits

Older versions

  • Full SDK (6.0)
    SHA256 hash: DE9BB8807E0136B82E39C4780E635DB38BCB11E6A3007B0DF5F182A9C6970537
  • Full SDK (5.6)
    SHA256 hash: B4F06DAC067DDB998F686C4452968812F81649D2AE2F66D550E320344417FC84
  • Full SDK (5.5)
    SHA256 hash: F0D120E18F851CE7B4A640234E21F62C84F2465D5C33B8AEE34BA0C5813B0D6D
  • Full SDK (4.5)


  • 64 bits dongle driver (for 64 bits apps; remove the suffix -64 and copy to Windows/System32)
  • 32 bits dongle driver (for 32 bits apps; remove the suffix -32 and copy to Windows/System32 [on Windows 32 bits] or Windows/SysWOW64 [on Windows 64 bits])

(If Windows 10/11 blocks a file, choose Keep, or Actions > Run anyway; sorry for inconvenience)


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